Hi all, I'm still running and last week I went down to Thorney near Peterborough t attempt to beat my 10K record of 45:43....a tough challenge for a 39 year old...going sub 45.
Me and Stephanie got there in good time and it was a lush morning the best conditions for a PB, we could not have asked for better conditions, this course was flat a great PB route but that would mean it would be exposed to the elements especially wind which can destroy a PB attempt in a flash or gust...
we eyed up the competition and the Field looked fast very fast actually so we hid away heh heh...i chose to run in me tights which was a mistake and I wish i had haggled and pushed for a better start position as i got blocked in for at least 30 sec at the start.
Anyway when going for PB at any distance its never fun as your taking the very best last attempt of you at the distance and you know that last attempt was a bitch, so to beat it your gonna pay.
BANG!!!! the gun went and I got stuck behind the starting bunch which really pissed me off, I was wearing me garmin set on the virtual runner setting for 44mins, within 3K I was way ahead of me garmin, which only meant trouble ahead, I had gone out way too fast, I was just off the leading bunch but falling away rapidly if honest.....I needed to settle into a good pace and by 5K I was panting like a rapist, I was dying on my arse no doubt but hey that's what PB's feel like I said to me self trying to console....
someone once said that pain is for leaving the body....really well I had plenty to get rid of, at 7K i was in a race with two other guys they would lead I would get it back they would re take it etc etc, it was good it helped me keep my pace up, the only depressing thing was that the guy in front of me was in his 60's....sod..
8K we were in open farmers Fields on a track and I was in pain, but i knew it was now or never i had to push regardless and I put all i had into it....it was not pretty and it was painful, this was close to my maxVO2 and I was feeling it....9K and I could see the final corner....the 60 year old was pulling away and I tried a mini sprint as we came back into the finishing straight but it was hard....he had me beat....how humbling..
Finished...that line never looked so good....really i hadn't even stopped me watch as i was blinded by the final effort to cross the line, but a PB it was -
New record - 44:41
I dont think i could beat that i think that was the on the edge of all i had on the day...very proud though, the drive home from Thorney to Notts via the sat navs option on bike was stunning the country side around there is stunning...
Cheers all.