In reality there are hundreds of reasons for trying to get over to NZ, some of which are political others more social and some just based on the sprirt of adventure and trying something new without the risk of having to learn a new language well, in order to get similer jobs to the ones we currently have in the UK.
I myself could not go to NZ I do not have enough points and my age of 40 would work against me, but Stephanie being 37 and an expereinced head of Secondry Drama Education would be able to apply under the skilled migrant catergory and I would be able to apply as her De facto partner requiring only that we both prove that we have been living together for more than a year with alot of evidence to show for it.
We have over the last few weeks have been scowering the internet for information and have just got back from an Imigration Expo in Leeds at the infamous Elland Road ground. The Expo itself was ok and only cost us a tenner, but most of what we saw we already knew, but not all, and the few sticking points we were concerned about were erradicated very quickly, it was now just a case of supporting Stephanie through the application process leaving no stone unturned.
One of the most useful things we have done is looked on peoples blogs who have already made the transition as these people have kept a warts an all record of the move and talk about the issues they came across as they happened, these people will also asnswer your questions and not charge you for doing so and we have even made freinds with them before we arrive if we arrive?....these sites and the information on them is more useful than any imigartion services company can offer these companies must hate the internet now as all there tricks have been be fair though moving over there will cost us about £7000 in total.
We need to be sure its what we want........
Essentially we have not even sent off our EOI (Expression of interest) form yet as she is a teacher and she needs all of her qaulifications verified before she can complete the online form and that is where we are at now.
This blog will provide me with a log as the tough process takes its toll on us, weve heard it can be expensive and draining.....
we intend to have the form filled in and sent off by the end of the year and we realistically expect an invitation to apply to come back within 3 months, then the real work will start.
In the mean time we will be taking as many pictures of each other in interesting locations and getting references to confirm we have been together for the duration that we claim and that we live together...
Thats all for now. Wannaka here we come.

Although to be fair we have at present although this could change have our hearts set on the south 4 hours from Wannaka...