Stunning running location without doubt....
Last week in the stunning location of Galway in Ireland we attempted to run the Connermarathon, the third marathon within 10 months for me but more importantly the very first for my girlfriend Stephanie, who would end up being the true star in the end...
We were based in leenane on the edge of Ireland's only Fjord, famous for clams and the harvesting of them, Leenane its self is tiny, having 3 pubs a shop and not much else to be fair... But surrounded by stunning mountains and fells reaching heights of up to 700m rising steeply up from the waters edge.
The weather was awesome not usual at this time of year or for this area so we were lucky, and it held through for the Marathon thankfully.
We drove the Marathon route as always and realised how long drawn out and hilly it was, as our training had been limited (as in close to none) I was concerned that Steph may not finish, I mean people in the know say that you should add 40min to your standard marathon time when running the hills of Connermarathon, I Could see why and we were a tad concerned. I worried that she may not be able to complete her dream..
Registration and chip pick up was in Galway, we headed off and got that sorted on the Saturday before and found out that we could met the buses at Cliften which also offered us free parking - sweet.
There we were as always, the first to arrive at the Cliften station hotel trying to find a public toilet. there was one, but it didn't matter how desperate you were, you wouldn't have wanted to do it in there...
The crowds slowly gathered and I could see the fear on Stephanie's face grow, or was she still desperate for the loo, not sure... even so she was getting nervous....its funny at moments like this when your there at the start of a big challenge and you realise how lazy you've been sat on your fat arse at home for the last 4 months not training when you should have been out there giving it some....but here and now that realisation for both of us was becoming very very apparent....everyone else looked so thin and fit, sounded ready and up for it, excited even, chatting about times and PB's whilst we were contemplating nothing but survival..... we had nothing but fear and concern blatantly confirmed by the look of dread on our faces why hadn't we trained properly... ha ha ha .....
We got on a bus where we met some great people, got off in the middle of nowhere, on a tiny road full of runners and sheep a couple of portaloos and a truck with our bags in, the road itself was struggling with the size of the buses it was single lane to be fair. The organisation at this point seemed all over the place...even so we got to see the leader of the Ultra Marathon come through, man he looked like a machine...making me feel more like a sloath...why didnt we train...
It became apparent that most of the high numbers of runners entering this years event were not marathon runners they were half marathon runners as there wasn't that many of us about 1400 I'd say at a guess. It was also at this point that I wondered where all my 70 Euros entry fee had gone, there was no start gate just an old van, and some bloke shouting down an old microphone, pretty crap really..I mean my mate could have done that for a his old pimped ford escort van....!!
Anyway after freezing my arse off for 30 minutes we gathered to the front and started well wishers called on Stephanie and hoped she enjoyed her first and then preceded to vanish off at speed into the distance, and let me assure you that was some distance within minutes they were dots...the open valley allowing you to be constanly reminded of how far back you are and how far youve got to go as well as how few are behind you......heh heh...
The weather was good and the location was awesome, there were no crowds just sheep and other runners this turned out to be a very unique event for sure in the world of Marathon running purely by its awesome and isolated location, you event felt isolated especially when the runners thinned out a bit.
I was OK for the first 15 miles as we were running at Stephs pace (11 min mile) so a cruise for me but she looked sort of OK i guess, but the distance was now taking a hold.....
All pictures on here I took on route, I actually took food with me this time as well due the lack of corner shops and the isolation factor...Steph completed the Half Marathon distance in 2:15:40 so not bad at all, but then the second stage was the actual official Half route, and it was a killer the hills started straight away and there were 4 nasty hills on this second part which was too much at times for Steph, we stopped a fair few times to take on food etc...and the infamous 26.2 Miles was taking its toll, but would it get another victim.....?
I'm proud to say not, Stephanie just kept going showing such determination and human spirit, even though she was clearly in pain, I was stunned and at some points she was unable to run at all..but her dream since childhood of completing a Marathon and the 20 mile marker sign approaching helped here move through into the final stages, oh by the way if anyone wants there black cap back that we took off the fence about mile 17 we have it...we needed it as in parts the sun was high and hot and we ere exposed in the valley.
And to think we even asked an Ambulance man whether he had 1)suntan lotion or 2)Vaseline...the answer was no??? once again in the run i wondered where my 70 Euros had actually gone...what incompetence...
The right turn at mile 22, was the finishing straight if you like, what we did not need at this stage was exactly what we got given a mighty hill ... oh bless the look on Stephs face, brought a tear and smirk to me eye....she was paying now, running no faster than I'd walk in bits...I was a bit worried at this point but I knew and she knew that somehow it was in the bag!!! To be fair this belief she had was all she had to crawl home with...
The hill was completed and the final flat straight to the finish line beckoned, it was even downhill at the start but by this stage that meant nothing to Stephanie the pain she was in hurt whether you were running up down or made no difference now...
We crossed the line together I held her hand as we approached the line, cameras clicking, nice comments about us from the man on the speaker system and then over the line she had done it....!!!!
Stephanie Jukes - First Marathon in 05:15:30....
Well done Steph, there was a tear, a Medal, a photo, the pasta, the bus then car and lastly hostel....where we sat in silence, licking out wounds...trying to figure why we had attempted one of the hardest Marathons in the Marathon Calender with no training...!!!!!
Oh and I have just realised where our 70 Euros money went, .... on all the organisers swanky Apple Macs at the registration Bloody B**tards....
This Marathon is stunning, but the organisation is rubbish and it is extremely over priced as is the whole of Ireland and Galway (Pint of Guinness 3.90 Euros (£3.54)
Enough Said....