Am I awake....not sure, but somethings glowing..!!!
We (I) awoke at 3am, to get ready and pick up Liza at 4:50am...simply wrong..just too early..we drove to meet the rest of the team at heath and headed off to the start location. it was still dark at this point but we would get to see the sunrise as we ran on the first stage, an awesome sight and experience. it was all very exciting I thought and couldnt wait to get going...we were Team 8 out of 13 and started each stage in that position 8th...
The team getting ready at the start....
Off we went and within 2 miles were huffing and puffing as expected on these hills well I was anyway.....we then went the wrong way, but not as bad as team (1) as they were never seen again ha ha...we readjusted and did a very respectful first stage all ran well and we cruised passed one team...the veiws and the exposure added to the experience but as always only the pictures will show it as it was. I landed in some deep bog at times and the going underfoot was the main challenge.
On our way Stage (1)
The funniest things was the team back at the office hoped theyd do this section in 45 minutes...oh how I laughed at that ha ha ...we did it in 1:30 min...not the same on that terrain.
We finished the stage to mini applause and then in the truck sort the bikes out we were off. for stage two....this was the operation stage after stage, i did all stages except the ride through Ladybower which was stunning this time in the morning with the steam rising off the waters as it was...really stunning.
The Machinery.....
Belted around this corner and just like the shot...
Suffice to say the best way to see this challenge is through the lens and the video and so you should take a look below at the pics and the video. The challenge was tough and although I escaped having to run at full pelt as the girls were slower and only the slowest persons time counted it was still tough....the most enjoyable thing for me was the veiws which were stunning with that hot sun on our backs all day and the water run at the very end of the steeplechase...loved that.
The competition, it was close...he looks a bit serious though eh..
Liza catching him up...
If im honest it was a team event, a style of event I was not used to and I had to control or real in my competitive spirit for the good of the team, I tried to help and give tit bits of advice and felt that i did my bit....but at times I felt like whizzing off...thats me though...
As challenges go this was a good one, in the end we finished 5th, in a time of 2:54:00 if we had had a stronger bike section we would have competed for the 2nd or 3rd place, as it was it was a team event and thus making it all about the slowest person in the team not the fastest, the winning team were all men....probably with small penises as they seemed to be the type that needed to win, every team should have to enter a girl at every stage to make it slightly fairer.
Navigation needed near the end....
I didnt use the camera on the bike sections which was a real shame as the veiws were exceptional but you cant win em all, also at the end but i am sure i will post them if I can get hold of them.
A great day out though and one of which I am duly proud of. There will some aches and pains...and we were gifted by an exceptinaly rare blistering sunny day....a day I will remember.
Well done Team Athletico Amscott. !!!!
Video of the day...
Like the write up Gary but can't believe you are suffering. Check out my photo album on facebook - made up of photos from various people. Like you say, it's a pity we haven't got any shots from the bike sections as they were stunning.
PS What's happened to the promised video?
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