Now im not a Shakespear fan at all, in fact I have never seen any of his stuff live, and have never really given theatre in general much thought at all, but my OH is really into it and so I gave it ago, I didnt really know what to expect, I was asked by my OH what I expected - I thought about it and I expected to be bored, and didnt think it would be funny, I thought it would be dull and long winded.
I arrived at the temp stage of the Courtyard in Stratford, it was a thrust stage as the audience are close and surround all 3 sides of the stage, and were viewing from high into the roof sitting steep. we were in good seats in the stalls.
The stage had a tree on it with leaves as glistening pieces og glass, the stage was designed in such a way that all the stars would have to pass close by the audience to get onto and leave the stage, this meant that we got to see them at close hand, in fact these stars of stage were just behind the back seats behind a wall getting ready for the next scene which I found brilliant.
The Royal Shakespear Company
The show started in a relaxed and informal way with the stars already lounging about on the stage as if waiting for us to settle, no big announcements or anything.

The show lasted 3 hours approx, and was fantastic, I would recomend you try it its not as expected at all, and I look forward to the next chance I may get. The show had David Pennant (Dr Who) who was brilliant.
In fact I now want to hit the stage.... I could do that..couldnt I?
Fare thee well my fellow players.......
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