Monday, 13 July 2015

It was all going so so well....but the renters have pulled out. !!!!

It really was going so well, too well as they say, but yesterday the renters came over and said that due to a change in their personal employment situations they no longer wish to rent the property, they of course were not obligated to do so as no contract had been signed but it was just about to be.

So now we have put the word out to see of some previously interested parties may still be interested, if not we have to go the agencies and from discussion with many people they don't do much for their money ever...and cost the landlords a lot.

IMS is the local agency that seems to be hot at the moment but with a placement and finders fee of £260 and regular monthly fees of £40 upwards depending on how much you earn for your rent can bring the bill up to £700 a year for what nothing....leeches.

Hey Hoy, maybe its for the best because having peeps in your house that you dont know makes it more business like instead.  well see....

SIGH chin up lets crack on were off to Malaysia soon.

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