I remember from back in the day as do most of us, such rare things as long days of sunny weather, sunset surfs and sweet bright blue dawn patrols....ahh awesome, with that in mind surely a bit of camping in the middle of summer would be a delight, surely....what fun, lets get packed and dont forget the frisby - er cos well be using that on the beach wont we. NOT.
We decided to stay in a campsite i knew from the old days, as i used to work there and knew it would be quiet, we got there we set up camp (in the dry) and then we got in brewed a cup of tea and BA BOOM !!!!!!! crash thunder .....wind... etc etc,....the rain started and with some force as well, i looked at the camp site and with its exposed area and open fields and with the wind and rain having a 20 mile run up before slamming into the side of me tent we were in for a hiding and we got one, for 9 days solid.....9 fucking days.....!!!!!!!!!!!
Not looking to happy eh after another night in the car!!!
yes yes i know it rains, but as it turned out it rained for 9 days solid, with howling winds slamming at us all day and all night....we had to sleep in the car as the tent was not standing up to this incessant rain and we could not sleep in there, even a few hours to dry would have done but no it kept going. The Jack Concert up there on the hill was destroyed and cancelled and im sure from looking at it nearly blown away into the sea....what a fucking joke..
with the concert canceled we were struggling to put a good face on it all....we did surf, Stephanie did enjoy it, we did go to the Eden Centre which i can highly recommend as awesome site if anything, we did make it to Perran sands infamous waterhole on the beach and watched a rowdy grung band do there stuff, and we saw as many sites aswe could from within our now stinking car...looking out as the rain dribbled down the windows, after a while it gets to ya let me tell ya.
We also went to the Minnack Theatre which again is so impressive, and to be fair to the weather we got a slight restbite allowing us to chill on the beach for a while, but come show time we go nailed, we lasted to the end of the show but many did not they could not see the point, the theatre which is outdoors of a cliff edge is famous for not stopping a show regardless of the weather, but even these hardy actors were suffering a tad, there was ven one bit where a guy had to strip off to his underpants for a bit....he must have been frozen...a crazy night...but we got lashed on there as well for the whole show....!!!! bloody weather....
what a performance..!!
yeh yeh we could of gone into a pub and got wasted but hey were not big drinkers and i wasnt with the lads.
suffice to say that when it rains down in Cornwall its a shite hole to be avoided at all costs.....do not do it....i have spend nearly £1500 on British holidays this year and got pissed on everyone...i am sick and tired of this piss poor grey rainy dam Island.....ahh fell better now....
next year im off to Europe or the states.....
Eden Centre
To be fair though id thought the Eden Centre was superb, there is so much you can learna bout the plants oround the world and what they produce, it is very interesting, they have two main areas one really humid and tropical and one cooler witha more European tempreture, inside when the rain fell on the bubbles the noise was incredible, it really is an architecs wet dream, and a great succes story in my veiw.
Highly educational and very entertaining.
some pics, sorry theres alot....
Stephanie with the ''Seed''
The show must go on.....really?!!
Hoping next summer will be better....
There are without doubt more caravan parks popping up in the UK, and I think with the credit crunch at the moment they are becoming ever more popular with people who want a great budget holiday. I've just recently come back from Perran Sands. My husband and our 3 kids spent a week on the haven park in August and enjoyed every minute of it, right down from the caravan itself to the surrounding areas of coastline that you can sit or walk along for hours. Who needs to go abroad when you have something like this in the UK? Especially when the weather is stunning!
Samantha, i used to work on that site you mention i worked there for 3 years in total, and i loved every minute of it, but i have memory of the awful weather we had on our trip. this country all to often tries to promote itself as a warm european holiday place but the reality more often than not is that you end up getting soaked. we did consider getting a caravan on the site we were at but the cost was a joke, i could hav eflown to jamaca for that...
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