with tickets bought well in advance we were so excited cometh the day, we packed whilst eagerly watching the weather and although there could be rain and we packed for that it looked like a reasonable clear weekend.
for this festival we set off on the Thursday night, tight as we are to get the most out of the weekend tickets, and we arrived as the sun was setting, it was along walk from the carpark but it was dry and grassy, i point that out for a reason as it was nearly the last time we see green grass again.
we camped bought program and went for a stroll around the quietish areas, no-one on stage but the lighting rig was being tested, the trees were all lit up and the smell of different food was all around. we ate we romanced at it all and slept.
The Duke of Yuke.....
we awoke to new neighbours? hi there....a bit close (as in using each others pegs) but even so its a festival, it was still dry and we headed out to lay on the grass at the main stage. To be fair the music was okish, in the early part of the day we thought some of it was filler, not that good at all, the cider was good and going down well and then crash BA BOOM....!!!! the rain came and it came down hard real hard.....a quick dash back to get water proofs on and out weekend was already getting a dampner....
within 6 hours the site was looking worse for wear, and within 12 it was muddy chocolate soup about 6 inches deep with lakes of crappy stew to contend with, the look on peoples faces said it all, check the video to see...the organisers did nothing and even though some of the music was alright and i did get to see my fav - Iron and Wine plus others no-one wants to watch there fav band in a pool of shitte....
ha ha we survived the weekend, gettinga s much out of it as possible but in the end the weather destroyed it completely, i posted a thread on the Greenman Forum called - ''brownman not greenman'' it got alot of hits form people expressing there thoughts and concerns a funny read and can be seen here.
''Brownman not Greenman''
Anyway the food was good-ish evn though we both got a dodgy tummy, the film tent was awesome with some weird porn late at night and science rock classes in the day ha ha but no generally the weekend was destroyed by the weather.
will I go again, not without getting a weather degree first.....and then watching it like a hawk.
Mini video below.
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